When should I take Aspirin in Pregnancy? What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know!
Dr Shilpa Satarkar, MD, is a Radiologist practising at Antarang Sonography and Colour Doppler Center, Satarkar Hospital at Aurangabad since…
Dr Shilpa Satarkar, MD, is a Radiologist practising at Antarang Sonography and Colour Doppler Center, Satarkar Hospital at Aurangabad since…
Dr. Avni K P Skandhan, MD, EDiR, is the consultant and Head of the Department of Radiology and Quality Chief…
Dr. Akanksha answers curated questions on Pre eclampsia in this health education series of Samrakshan-The Indian Radiological and Imaging Association…
Vampa Ankrur is a freelance writer who specializes in writing about nothing and everything. The Journal of Fetal Radiology is…
An abnormal Doppler study in the 3rd trimester was present in 93 (35.23%, 95% CI: 29.71, 41.16) of the 264…
Our findings suggest that reliance on growth alone or changes in growth alone to identify fetal growth restriction may not…
Authors: Ramesh Shenoy, Rijo M Choorakuttil, Rajalingam Bavaharan, Palanisamy Devarajan, Praveen K Nirmalan for the Samrakshan Team Running Title: Mobile…