
Who Signed the Flores Agreement

The Flores Agreement is a legal decision that has had significant impacts on the U.S. immigration system. The agreement sets standards for the detention, treatment, and release of minors who are in immigration custody. Many people wonder who signed the Flores Agreement and what it means for the immigration policy.

The Flores Agreement was signed in 1997 by a federal judge named Dolly Gee. Judge Gee was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California by President Obama in 2009. The Flores Agreement was actually a settlement agreement between the government and a group of immigrant rights organizations. The case was called Flores v. Reno and it was filed in 1985 on behalf of a 15-year-old girl from El Salvador.

The Flores Agreement established several important guidelines for the treatment of minors in immigration custody. First, it requires that minors be held in the least restrictive setting possible. This means that instead of being held in detention centers, minors should be released to their parents or guardians, if possible. If that is not possible, minors should be placed in licensed facilities that are designed to meet their unique needs.

The Flores Agreement also requires that minors be given access to medical care, education, and recreation. Additionally, it sets standards for the conditions of detention, including hygiene, nutrition, and clothing.

One of the most significant aspects of the Flores Agreement is that it limits the amount of time that minors can be held in immigration detention. Specifically, the agreement states that minors cannot be held in detention for more than 20 days. After that, they must be released to either their parents or guardians, or to a licensed facility.

The Flores Agreement has been the subject of much debate and controversy in recent years. Some argue that it has resulted in a “catch-and-release” policy that encourages families to enter the U.S. illegally with the expectation of being released into the country. Others argue that the agreement provides crucial protections for minors who are in the custody of the U.S. government.

Regardless of one`s opinion on the Flores Agreement, it is important to understand who signed it and what it means for the immigration policy. Judge Dolly Gee, appointed by President Obama, signed the agreement in 1997, and it has been influential in shaping the treatment of minors in immigration custody ever since.

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