Samrakshan Poem Series- Dr. Akanksha BaghelAuthorPosted bySamrakshan IRIAPublishedJuly 20, 202011:58 pmTwitterFacebookLinkedInShare this postShare this postClose sharing boxSamrakshan Poem Series- Dr. Akanksha BaghelTwitterFacebookLinkedInTelegramPosted by Samrakshan IRIA on July 20, 2020. Poem by Dr. Akanksha Baghel View this post on Instagram Poem by Dr. Akanksha Baghel as part of the Samrakshan Poem Series celebrating the bond between a mother and her baby. Samrakshan is a national program of IRIA to reduce avoidable deaths of babies during pregnancy in India led by Dr Rijo Mathew Choorakuttil and a dedicated team of Fetal Radiologists in India. The program focuses on Early identification of preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction to reduce potential consequences for the pregnant woman and her baby. #samrakshaniria #samrakshanpoems #preeclampsiaprevention #preeclampsiaawareness #pregnancy #pregnant #poetry #perinatalhealth #perinatalmortality #fetalultrasonography #fetaldoppler #fetalgrowthrestriction #fetalwellbeing A post shared by Samrakshan IRIA (@samrakshaniria) on Jul 20, 2020 at 4:52pm PDT Post Views: 989